Security in the political system of the Islamic Revolution (A Review of the Political Philosophy of Security in the Tehran School of Security)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in Strategic Defense, Supreme National Defense University


In the Islamic Revolution, politics is the same as religion and is based on monotheism and leadership. In the political philosophy of the Islamic Revolution, although mundane progress is desirable, the goal is the growth and excellence of humanity and society. In this area, individual and social security is derived from faith; in fact, in order to achieve "security", Islam must be preserved; Therefore, if human beings and the Islamic society maintain the Islamic faith with justice, it will enjoy peace and security. In other words, what provides security is not only terrene but also individual and social spiritual needs. This view is fundamentally different from the view of humanism, which is based on creating material needs of human beings and society in order to do sovereignty and gain power. Each of these two approaches has a different political-security philosophy. In the political philosophy of the Tehran Security School, real security, which is in accordance with human nature, is provided in the leadership system, the source of which is monotheism. In present study the collection data were based on library research and uses the document analyses method from the perspective of experts in the field of security political philosophy and other qualitative data by referring to the verses of the Qur'an, commentaries, hadiths and orders of Imam Khomeini (may God have mercy on him) and Imam Khamenei (may God keep him alive) and using Qualitative content analysis of the content has been analyzed and concluded.


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