Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D., Strategic Military Management, National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, National Defense University

3 PhD Student of Military Strategic Management at Higher National Defense University


Studies have shown that several factors can help organizations increase or decrease in employee job satisfaction.
The investigation regarding the purpose and terms of descriptive - survey population was 142 in this study, job satisfaction questionnaires used in JDI questionnaire which its validity and reliability have been confirmed. Pearson's test and t-test results confirm the generalization of secondary and minor creature of the study, with two real conditions survey and network analysis for ideal conditions were obtained and were compared (Figure 3).
The main factors of satisfaction in these organizations include: colleagues, occupation and nature of work, managers and supervisors, facilities and working conditions, career paths and promotion, character, culture and organizational climate and benefits.
Evaluation results show that the level of satisfaction of employees is discussed. However, senior management should raise the salaries and benefits in order to increase customer satisfaction and improve the management and supervision as the first factor as second attempt.


فهرست منابع

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