The pattern of innovation in the Armed Forces in Imam Khamenei’s view

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Management and Soft Technology University, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 PhD student of public administration at Allame Tabatabai University


Innovation is a process which creates new knowledge and technology and transforms them in different areas to usable products and services in national and global markets. One of the important areas of innovation is the defense area. The complexity of the environment of Islamic Republic of Iran and the production of various threats in this environment has made innovation in the Armed Forces very necessary in order to attain superiority in the battle scenes. The aim of this paper is to explain innovation in the Armed Forces in the Islamic Revolution Supreme Leader’s view. This paper is of applied type done in the mixed method fashion and it uses content analysis and grounded theory in quantitative and qualitative manner.
The results indicate that innovation is capable of being implemented in different defense dimensions through the explanation of the defense innovation thought and architecting the defense sections, knowledge and defense technology and organizational architecture of the Armed Forces. The outcomes of this implementation include the development of domestic knowledge and technology, training efficient human force, production of advanced defense equipment and necessary flexibility in response to threats. In addition, gradual decline in dependence on foreign defense knowledge and technology, acquiring the capability of competition for defense knowledge and technology production with advanced countries in global scale and finally achieving an Islamic-Iranian defense pattern are some other outcomes.
