Educational Needs Assessment Strategic Social Issues

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated from Ph.D. in Strategic Military Management at the National Defense University


The stability and advancement of societies and countries in the current strategic environment with the characteristics of fluidity, complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty requires the existence of powerful strategic executives in various components of national power, especially social dimension, which is based on measuring needs from the requirements of strategic requirements and issues. The study of the current educational system of strategic managers as well as the inequality between the achievements and costs of the system in the social arena, considering its dimensions, confirms the lack of accountability of the current educational system of strategic managers in this field. A system in which strategic issues in this area include strategic intentions, megatrends, challenges and strategic shocks are identified and, in proportion to their role, the importance of the appropriate training model for their balanced composition is identified. The main objective of this research is to identify strategic issues in the social arena, to assess the training of strategic managers in this field (compare existing and desired status of education), as well as to identify the main topics for training to meet these needs. This research is applied and developmental type that has been combined with a mixed approach and utilizing multivariate regression analysis and T test to predict the main topics of strategic managers training. The results of the research indicate that there is a significant difference between the present and the desired situation of training strategic managers in the social arena and in this area strategic challenges, strategic intentions, strategic shocks and megatrends play the most role in explaining the requirements of training strategic managers and addressing the need.


فهرست منابع
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