Prioritization of the components of the defense-security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (based on the Holy Quran, statements of Imam Khamenei (as), the constitution, vision, general policies and the law of the Fifth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Defense policy must create harmony, unity of procedure in political action in its defined period of time, otherwise the actors will be divided. . Therefore, defense policy is usually determined and communicated by leaders and rulers, statesmen and upstream documents. Therefore, the present article has been written with the aim of counting and identifying the components of the defense-security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran from Imam Khamenei's statements, constitution, vision, general policies and the law of the Fifth Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research has been done by descriptive-survey method and its statistical population is 30 military personnel and high-ranking managers of the country. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and since the data were normal, parametric tests were used to analyze them. The first four priorities of the effective components of the defense-security policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran are as follows:  Religious-moral teachings, orders and measures of the Supreme Leader (may God bless him and grant him peace) and the late Imam (may God have mercy on him), constitution, doctrine and macro-policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran Environmental developments (international and domestic)


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