Investigating the role of resilience in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy


1 Graduated from the Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Imam Hossein University

4 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


In the era of threats And global crises Especially economic crises Direction  Increase Been And of Realization Challenges the goals of organizations.Design scientific patterns And commensurate With facilities And the requirements of the national environment Can reduce the effects of threats And crises, them both their stability and progress  of Armed Forces organizations In order to fulfill the objectives of providing. This research done to Investigating the role of resilience And related components at in the designing the strategic pattern of planning, Programming, and providing resources of army forces with the approach of Moghavematie economy, Looking for Improvement of the Armed Forces Resilience to Against threats and current crises. The type of this research is applicable-developmental. The type of research is complex (quantitative-qualitative). Statistical society for quantitative data is a group of 112 military experts in planning, Programming and military resource providing. Number of sample using Cochrane formula is 52 for quantitative and 5 for qualitative data. Both library and field methods have been used to collect information and expert opinionsThe result of the research was carried out after analyzing the data through inferential tests (t one sample and binomial distribution). Shows that the resiliency dimension with 21 components including 8 elements in strategic planning, 7 components in strategic planning and 6 components in the provision of armed forces resources with a resistive economy approach, and ultimately contributes to the promotion of resistive power And the resilience of the armed forces and the reduction of the effects of threats and crises in pursuit of the goals.


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