Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of National Defense University of Higher Defense

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The technical and crew flight with passing in many special courses is one of the richest training course as human resource that the most important effective element is in Havanirooz organization. This study is applicable – progressive that aimed effect process human resources on formulating of Havanirooz doctrine emphasizing on asymmetrical warfare by doing descriptive – case and accumulating information as filed study to achive these goals data were collected through note taking and questionnaire. By aiming description of human resources indexes the  cronbach alpha realiability index turned out to be  %817. the participants of this survey were a group of army forces officials (N=75) who their jobs, positions Education and researches were directly linked to Havanirooz doctrine issue , completed the questionnaire the results of study revealed that  indexes of process human resources as employ of crews consist of attraction (4.93) livelihood (4.97) , implementation of crew (4.95) , activeness (4.96), healthy (4.94) in conification of  I.R.A.A Doctrine emphasizing on Asymmetrical warfare.


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