The Effect of Future Threats in the Desirable Command in Islamic Republic of Iran Military Organizations.


Doctor of Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


A commander carries the characteristics of a leader and leadership is the essence of command. Therefore, a commander requires to possess knowledge, wisdom, higher human traits, intelligence and intuition to identify threats. This mixed-method research, which is done in a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to study the relation between future threats and desirable command in the military organizations in Islamic Republic of Iran.
Data analysis was done through mathematical methods (derivative) and inferential statistics in order to study the effects of future threats in desirable command. A questionnaire was designed to determine the relation between future threats and desirable command and the relation between ignoring future threats and surprise. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it was distributed in the statistical population composed of 49 responders and the answers were analyzed through statistical methods and techniques, followed by final conclusions and evaluations.
In the last step, the research results reveal that a commander needs to be able to predict threats in advance and prepare counter-threat plans. The correlation between future threats and desirable command is 0.9 which shows a high, direct and positive correlation. This, however, has been studied in three different conditions.


فهرست منابع:
- قرآن کریم(ترجمه آیت‌الله مکارم شیرازی)
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