Investigating the strategic components of "cultural beliefs" of takfiri currents for reconciling the unity and religiosity in the world of Islam

Document Type : Original Article


1 Expert in Management of Defense Sciences of Imam Hossein University

2 Graduated Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Science, National Defense University


In fact, Takfiri's New
Salafist movements are the result of a precise, predictable informational,
operational and organizational plantings of solidarity world-wide cooperation
of some apparently Islamic countries in the region which were created after the
occupation of Afghanistan, but after the events of September 11th, the split of
jihadi groups became stronger, and this movement was drawn up in the form of a
regional strategy. The most fundamental issue of the birth of this movement was
the decline in the role and influence of the socio-political movements affected
by the Islamic Revolution in Southwest. After the developments in Islamic
awakening, the interests of arrogance and the power of the Zionist regime were
at stake. Hence, the establishment and consolidation of Takfiri's Salafist
groups in order to undermine the Islamic resistance front and to break the axis
of unity and convergence of other Islamic religions was formed
that today is witnessing this Malicious and Eclectic process. And on the
other hand, the security of the Zionist regime has seriously threatened the
security of the Islamic world. This research is based on achievements of a
Applied way, based on objectives and types of survey, analytical descriptive,
and based on the type of data used in the mixed method. This research has been
attempted to gather the belief-culture elements of Takfiri's currents with an
emphasis on the convergence & unity of the Islamic world.

The statistical population of this study is 30 experts in the subject area the
data collection method was library and data collection and data were collected
by using questionnaires. In the final analysis, the calculated factors are
classified according to the paired matrix matrix calculations and are presented
at the end of the applicable strategies and recommendations for the use of
related subjects.
