The impact of Macro policies of resistancein the face of economic sanctions

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc., Faculty of Management, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran ارسال بازخورد سابقه ذخیره‌شده‌ها انجمن


Development is the most fundamental goal of each society. So “How to Development” is the most important science in the world to the extent that create a wide range of academic studies. Scientists in time realized that different society because of social and cultural difference needs different version of developments models. So in recent years researchs focus on the Local Model. In Islamic republic of Iran Moqawemah Economic in new Model of development. This research seeks to find components of this Model and compares with current Sustainable Development Model in the world. In this article we use quantitative methods with interviews with experts. In the final we compares these two models and show that Moqawemah Economics can use as the Local Sustainable Development Model


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