The basic expectations of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) fromThe Basij Mostazafin Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National Defense University


The wide range of functional areas of Basij in national and international levels, has turned it to an institution with Exclusive capabilities in order to achieve the national security objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran ، So that whole Stability of Islamic Republic of Iran depends on Basij in various areas. Now the question is that “ What are the main expectations of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Imam Khamenei from  the Basij? “. Two research methods has been used in this article. In the first stage "Grounded Theory" has neen used to understand the main functions of Basij from the perspective of  the Suprem leader. In the second  stage, In order to Categorize and validate Those basic expectations, we have used inferential and statistical formulas by an expert  group working on the ideas of Imam Khamenei about Basij . Spreading the Velayat culture , Promoting the Leaderships Discours , Defencive and security function as an strong shield , Basirah or knowledge-based thinking and Taklif-based behavior, and finally, presence  at the whole scens  in order to defend the Islamic Revolution, have been sorted as the main expectations of The Supreme Commander-in-Chief from Basij , as the results of this research.


فهرست منابع
الف- منابع فارسی
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ب- سایت‌ها
- بیات امام خامنه‌ای در سایت:
- گنجی محمد، (1394) توصیه‌ها و انتظارات رهبری از جوانان بسیجی، قابل دسترسی در:   
- معینی حسین، (1394) وظایف و آرمان‌های بسیج از منظر امام خامنه ای، قابل دسترسی در :