Determining the role of science and technology in the Iranian-islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of National Security of the National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


The increasing development of science and technology ought to be considered as one of the key forerunner in change and developments in this era. The advances of science and technology in the field of defense and military are an essential topic both because they can create new defense capabilities and due to the appearance of new threats resulting from these advances. These days, science and technology is one of the most important indices of evaluating the power and capabilities of different countries and it is of particular importance.
Therefore, the aim of this article is “determining the role of science and technology in the Iranian-Islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security” and the design of research is practical-developmental and the methodology is descriptive- analytic. Moreover, based on the required data, this research is a mixed-method research. The participants of the study include 243 experts and activists in the fields of defense-security and science in the country and according to the analyses the representative sample was determined at 69 individuals. The results of the study indicate that science and technology is considered as one of the principal and most influential dimensions in the Iranian-Islamic model of advance in the field of defense-security and capabilities with 5 indices, growth and development with 5 indices and effectiveness with 4 indices comprise its the components and indices.
