Research on the idea of "defense" in Imam Khamenei thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Sociology at Imam Khomeini International University

2 PhD Student, Political Studies, Islamic Revolution, University of Shahed University


The defensive power of a society
cant be Summarized in its military power. The combination of The idea of "defense" and its
peculiarities are among the compositional and fluid concepts throughout the
history of human thought so that it has different and opposite dimensions from
culture to culture and from school to school. The idea of "defense"
in Shia political culture has a different meaning compared to other schools of
thought. Therefore, a proper recognition of this idea requires an independent
research on its scope and boundaries. Imam Khamenei, as the most influential
religious scientist in the Shia world in the present age and as the heir to the
pure thoughts of the Imams, has important and influential point of view on this
topic. therefore, the examination of the boundaries of defense in his thought
is of major importance for proper understanding of Shia political culture. From
this perspective, the main question of the present study is as follows. What
are the peculiarities of the idea of defense in Imam Khamenei thought? To
answer this question, the author examines the concept of defense in four areas
of ontology, epistemology, teleology, and methodology in the thought of Imam
Khamenei. The findings of the research showed that in the thought of Imam
Khamenei, the idea of defense is understandable through two-dimensional
ontology, empowering and capability -centered epistemology, bliss-seeking
teleology, and moral methodology. The present paper is a qualitative study
using descriptive-analytical method. Its
information is obtained through documentary study.


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