Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Strategic Management of Passive Defense, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Military Strategy Management, Higher National Defense University


The purpose of environmental monitoring of issues is to increase cognition, facilitate and expedite their review and analysis. Given the breadth of the threat, various schools and security theorists discuss threats from different angles. Lack of proper understanding of future threats will lead to a lack of common language and more errors in analysis for defense decision makers. The knowledge-based defense approach is a tool to ensure the security of the country, using all the capabilities of knowledge defense. Using the capabilities of knowledge-based defense, it is possible to identify the threat and the threatened, the authority to deal with the threat and how to repel it by policy-making, development of guidelines and strategies. Therefore, the present article tries to identify the impulses and global trends affecting future military threats by environmental monitoring, and to express the importance of each from the perspective of knowledge-based defense. The present research is of applied-developmental type and in terms of method, descriptive-analytical. The sample size of this study includes 77 experts using stratified random sampling method. In this research, library and field methods have been used to collect information and closed interview and questionnaire tools have been used. The results of this study show that by using the capabilities and capabilities of knowledge-based defense components, it is possible to identify more future threats and provide a better platform to facilitate and expedite the review and analysis of threats to the country's defense system. 


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