Designing a model of knowledge base defense organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of National Defense University

2 Professor of Microbiology, Imam Hossein University

3 Ph.D. student of strategic management of passive defense of the National Defense University


In order to overcome complexities and survive in an intense competitive environment ,todays organizations have no choice but to rely on knowledge rather than on some advantage –making factors like land, capital, and work force. accordingly , considering the existing complexities and expanding rang of threats , defense organizations also need to move toward knowledge- base organizations. Superiority in the upcoming battle scenes depend on knowledge superiority over enemies. This research, which has been done using descriptive survey method, aims to offer a model of knowledge – based defense organizations as well as their components, indices and the relationship between them. First, 19 factors were identified using authentic literature and experts advices. Then, the mentioned factors were divided into four major categories namely organizational structure, organizational culture , human capital , end leadership.
After that the components and indices were ranked according to friedman  test. Finally , the model was tested using structural equation modeling. All the identified factors and relationship in the proposed model were approved with high reliability.
