A comparative study of the combat power components of the armies of eight countries in the word

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Malik Ashtar University of Technology

2 Faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University

3 PhD student in Strategic Management of Passive Defense University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


The accurate calculation of the military power of countries to fight or not to fight has been of great interest to commanders and rulers in the past, so that they have always tried to accurately estimate the combat power in order to determine victory or defeat. to predict On the other hand, today, determining the components of combat power is a kind of beacon for the necessary activity in military industries to acquire the necessary science and technologies to excel in future battles. Accordingly, with the passage of time and the progress of science and technology, the calculation of elements or components Combat capabilities have also changed. The purpose of this research is the comparative study of the components of combat power in the armies of eight countries in the world, including Australia, England, the United States of America, China, France, Canada, South Korea, and India, using statistical methods to determine The frequency of repeatable components has been taken and the result of the research includes ten components of common combat power among the armies of eight countries in the world. These components include: combat knowledge, training, will, leadership and combat capabilities as qualitative components and information, maneuver & movement, force, firepower and stability as quantitative components of combat power to identify and introduce became.


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