Explain the teachings of jihad jihadist influence on the morale of the armed forces.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography at the National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


Jihad is a religious
term meaning is broad and includes any kind of struggle with every means and
weapons are against any enemy. Research in order to answer the question what
effect the teachings of the Holy Quran in Jihad in Allah's way, to promote the spirit
of Jihad is the Islamic Republic's armed forces. Since this study used a
combination of qualitative and quantitative data, integrated research approach
and the methodology underlying doneMethodology In this study, library studies
and field studies, interviews and questionnairesThe population for the entire
sample volume is characterized by cognitive manifestations of jihad and jihad
in Allah's way The nobility and the morale of the armed forces of the Islamic
Republic have been selected conditions Finally, after gathering comments on the
whole sample in the form of a five-point Likert questions which express the
influence of the teachings of the Quran In the spirit of jihad jihad in Allah's
way of reinforcing the armed forces of the Islamic Republic and the
establishment of the average responses and charting a lot of impact, it was
determined that the greatest impact of Indicators related to crusade to help
the religion of Allah and jihad 96.4% with the percentage impact of infidelity
and hypocrisy and fight with the devil in order Astkbarv idolatrous and friends
next Hobby Respectively.


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