Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries)


1 Graduated Ph.D. - Strategic Military Management - National Defense University

2 Associate Professor-Imam Hossein University


“Economic Resilience” or national economy strengthening against the economic shocks as a concept that has opened its place in economic literature in recent decades, has been received the attention of Islamic Revolution Leader attention as one of the main dimensions of “Economic Resilience" (that is the decisive cure of national economic woes).Utilizing the economic capacities to reduce the vulnerabilities is a necessity for strengthening the I.R of Iran national economy against the shocks, in order to accelerate its movement towards the national goals, i.e. development and justice.
Seeking the components of resilience concept could assist national economy planners, but since there are useful experiences in the area of strengthening the economy, seeking the components of this concept cannot lonely provide validity enough in accordance with related literature.Thus the author attempts to refine the theoretical components of resilience by reviewing some of the countries experiences against the economic shocks (including deliberate and natural shocks) and also in economic developments, to find the answer to this question: “What are the major components of economic resilience based on other countries experiences?”
The article is a kind of applied-developmental research, and methodically is completely qualitative that accomplished descriptive-analytical.   
Statistical society consists of few number of economic experts which is targeted deliberately and data gathering is done by interviews up to the theoretical saturation. Qualitative analyzing from the literature extracted six major components of economic resilience and after surveying with the expert method based on other countries experiences, these components founded in three fields i.e. a) in the fields of sanctions (macroeconomic stability), b) in the field of crisis (increasing national production), and c) in the field of economic developments (government agility). Finally some suggestions are offered according to the findings.


فهرست منابع
قرآن مجید – ترجمه آیت‌الله‌العظمی مکارم شیرازی
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