Defense Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Principles and Aims

Document Type : Original Article


Member of the faculty of the Higher National Defense University


Defense diplomacy is considered as pursuing defense purposes and policies by the usage of diplomacy tools and achieving the foreign policy purposes with the support of the defense power. Islamic Republic of Iran follows different approaches toward other powers within the international scenes and things which have made it outstanding are its governing principles and its broad aims which are followed by those principles and values. The purpose of this study is to count the principles and aims of defense diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, the main question of this study is: “What are the principles and aims of the defense diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran?” the method which has been used in this study based on content analysis and the statistical expert society which has been chosen for screening the achievements of this study (concepts and categories) includes 16 experts in the field of defense diplomacy. According to the achievements of this study, keeping independence and territorial integrity as the main principle and seeking-justice as the distinguishing principle along with other 11 principles such as supporting the oppressed, respect, wisdom and expediency, threat against threat are taken into consideration. The main purpose is based on changing enemy into friend with eight other aims such as unity of the Islamic nations, providing the deterrence and self-reliance.


  • فهرست منابع:

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