Explaining the thoughts (opinions, thoughts and experiences) of the military Lieutenant General Martyr Ali Sayad Shirazi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences of the Higher National Defense University

2 Doctoral student of strategic defense at National Defense University


Identifying the military thought that dominates the contemporary era, especially after the victory of the Islamic revolution and the occurrence of an imposed war, makes it necessary to pay attention to the thought of prominent commanders in the eight years of holy defense. Introduce him as a military model and owner of a special style of military thought.
Since the main purpose of this research is to explain the military thought (opinions, thinking) of Martyr Sayad Shirazi, in the researcher's opinion, it is a developmental applied research type, and considering that in qualitative research, the findings are not obtained through statistical process with the aim of quantification. The research method will be descriptive and analytical with a qualitative approach, and the statistical population of this research is all the manuscripts, speeches and films related to the topic of the research that the Board of Education of Martyr Lieutenant General Sayad Shirazi has published so far.
Based on the findings of the research, Martyr Sayad's opinions and military thoughts in 8 main categories of statistics, which include mobilization in Martyr Sayad's thought in 2 subcategories, war and peace in Martyr Sayad's thought in 8 subcategories, Islamic army doctrine in Martyr Sayad's thought in 3 subcategories, recognition insider and enemy in 2 subcategories, the factors of creating unity in 7 subcategories, the factors of victory in 8 subcategories, the factors of division in the thought of Martyr Sayad in 6 subcategories, and the factors of failure in 8 subcategories have been counted


  • فهرست منابع:

    الف- منابع فارسی

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