Smart defense model based on Internet of Things technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of National Defense High University

2 Assistant Professor of Air Defense University of Khatam al-Anbia (peace be upon her)

3 Assistant Professor of Shahid Sattari Aviation University

4 National Defense University


Today, with human progress in the field of knowledge and technology, we are witnessing tremendous developments in various fields, especially in the field of defense. With the appropriate and timely use of new technologies, including the Internet of Things technology in the intelligent defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces, it is possible to implement various military affairs more accurately and dynamically to realize the discussion of the intelligence of the equipment. By using the Internet of Things in intelligent command and control, intelligent logistic, intelligent transportation, environmental monitoring, training and simulation, etc., it is possible to have new and effective defense capabilities, and in fact, intelligent defense in the armed forces of our country against new and intelligent threats. The current research is titled " A model of  smart defense IOT-based for the Islamic Republic of  Iran armed forces" and was conducted with a descriptive-analytical method and a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) approach. In this research, the opinions of 70 commanders, managers and experts in the field of strategic and cyber defense sciences of the country have been used in the form of a questionnaire. Based on the research done, using the opinion of experts, five concepts of infrastructure and equipment, service and services, structure and organization, information, security and management and governance were placed as the basic dimensions of intelligent defense based on the Internet of Things, and then the components of each became one of these dimensions. After the statistical analysis of the results of the questionnaire, the strategic model of intelligent defense of Iran Armed Forces based on Internet of Things has been presented in five dimensions and 40 components.


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    پ- سایت‌‌ها:

    قیصری، محمد، هنرمند، مریم، وحدت، داود، (1399)، کاربرد فناوری اینترنتی از اشیاء در توسعه مدیریت لجستیک،                                                                             -