Choosing best crisis management model resulting from natural disasters in target countries based on multiple criteria decision making (AHP)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

2 Ph.D. student of strategic management of the non-operational defense of the University of Defense


disasters are among those treats that always target societies. This reveals the
necessity of paying attention to design and implement suitable models of crisis
management to be used in order to decrease errors and have special effects when
facing with natural disasters. So the aim of this study is to analyze and
evaluate models of crisis management in such countries as Japan, The Us,
Turkey, India, Russia, China and Australia that face with similar disasters as
those occurred in Iran and choose the best model based on AHP method. People
under study in this research include experts of crisis management. Gathereddata
are analyzed using a combination of AHP model and 
delphi expert choice software. Recognition and evaluation of the best
crisis management model is done based on this question : ''What is the best
crisis management model resulting from natural disasters in target countries?''.
The results of this research show that the management model of Japan is of
the highest priority among models of other countries when facing with natural
disasters. So to design crisis management model for our country, it is
recommended to have special attention on the crisis management model of Japan.
