Strategic environmental analysis and simulation Yemen Crisis trends Using the technoques of fussy cognitive map.


1 Ph.D. in Passive Defense Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Member of the Faculty of International Relations at the Department of Foreign Affairs


Biven the ambiguity of the many variables influencing the decision making fields, based on mathematical methods and expert systems such as fuzzy cognitive maps a new strategy for more transparent procedures governing the dusty environment is intelligence strategic decision. The aim of this study was to analyze and simulate effective action on the crisis in Yemen actors using the new tools of analysis fuzzy cognitive map. Expertise Panels and Semi-open questionnaire, attempting to identify, Elemnets and their prioritize the variables affecting the Yemeni crisis and with the help of analysis tools of statixtical correlation, Friedman ANOVA, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and fuzzy cognitive map, relationships and interaction factors identified and shown.
Contributing forces in Yemen crisis including twenty in the form of a conceptual model of the interction of these factors was found. None of the factors affecting the strategic environment of the crisis in Yemen has not totality role. Several scenarios can be replicated in the future is the crisis in Yemen But the most important factor affecting the crisis in Yemen is the Yemeni Popular Forces. Analysis shown that there is no no sustainable end to the crisis is not identifiable with out considering all factors specially the whole yemenis will.


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