Comprehensive framework for formulating defense – Security strategies I.R.I with the local approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Graduated from the Strategic Military Management of the National Defense University


Strategic management process, including the formulation, implementation and evaluation of implementation and control strategy. There are diversity points  in structure, strategy that the "famous strategist, Henry Mintzberg says human  beings blind and the structure of our strategy as elephant "each of us to discover the mystery of this animal, a touch the stems. Check this complexity in a process, is overwhelming. But the nature of the animal (the elephants) is not delivered in the dark and not in us but in the process. This article introduces a paradigm appropriate strategy and provide a comprehensive framework in accordance with the Islamic Republic of Iran (process) strategy at the national level in the areas of security and defense. This qualitative research is based on the goal of developmental Research. Based on the method, analytical and case and context. The samples are 68 people. Due to the specific characteristics of the subject, experts in this field were so census sampling method and sample size matches the size of population sampling has taken place. The necessary data with using library and field method, have been collected. The tools used to arrange the books and documents of strategic management, questionnaire and interviews with experts that have been analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of research show elicited paradigm in five-step in seventeen activities tailored to each step with the relevant tools, in order to achieve the strategy shows.
