Game theory models for the analysis of strategic crises of IRI (With emphasis on nuclear crisis)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in Strategic Defense, National Defense University


The present article has been carried out to answer the basic question that how game theory can be used to analyze nuclear issue, as a crisis in front of IRI. This study is an applied research in terms of achievement, is a descriptive-analytical survey in terms of objective and nature, and is a mixed one in terms of the data used. After reviewing theoretical perspectives about analysis of crises and crisis management principles, the applicable models of game theory for the analysis of strategic crisis were introduced, then a combination of nonzero game model and unequal actor’s compromise was selected as the desired model. Questionnaires were distributed among the population in order to analyze the information. The population of the study includes 100 persons of operational research scholars in Tehran universities and the sample size was determined to be 32 using Chochran’s formula. Data collection method was through libraries and field studies using questionnaire, note-making. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and qualitative analyses. At the end, 4 applicable recommendations were proposed to use game theory for the analysis of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear Program..


فهرست منابع
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