The most important factors affecting the improvement of resilience and continuity of production, transmission and distribution of the gas network

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student, strategic management of passive defense, Higher National Defense University

2 Doctorate in strategic management of the Higher National Defense University


The use of gas energy covers a very wide range of industrial, power plant, commercial and domestic uses, and this wide range of interconnected activities that take place at different stages of production, transmission and distribution in the field of the gas network faces various risks. The supply chain of the gas industry has three basic parts: production, transmission and distribution, and each of these three parts has its own challenges. One of the most important challenges in the supply chain management of the gas industry is the issue of resilience and continuity of gas production, transmission and distribution, and this issue is of vital importance for the country.
Resilience and continuity in each of the three sectors play a strategic and essential role in the country's stability. In addition to identifying the effective factors on improving the resilience and continuity of production, transmission and distribution of the gas network, the present research has focused on prioritizing the strengths and opportunities that are effective on the research. This research is practical in terms of purpose, qualitative and quantitative in terms of the type of data, and case-specific in terms of implementation. The statistical population includes 50 people with special characteristics for the distribution of the questionnaire and the expert community consists of 12 experts. Cronbach's alpha was used to measure the reliability of the tool. At first, 48 strength and opportunity factors were carefully examined. Then, by combining and reducing as well as prioritizing the factors, 40 strength and opportunity factors were prioritized using the Friedman test, and finally suggestions were presented in line with the research topic.


  • فهرست منابع:

    الف- منابع فارسی

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