Checking the barriers to Independence of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student, ‌ National Security, Higher National Defense University


After the formation of a federal government in Iraq, the power and influence of the Kurds increased inside Iraq and the Kurds with the support of some countries, including the Zionist regime (Israel) as well as the emergence of critical conditions in Iraq, especially after ISIL entrance in that country, they sought to achieve their long-term wish to form an independent Kurdish state, and to do they held an independence referendam in last years mehr 3rd which was a failure Iraqi kurdi region. They faced barriers, including lack of military and economic infrastructure, opposition from neighboring countries and the central government of Iraq which prevented Kurdistan from reaching its full independence. With this explanation, an examination of the current obstacles in the full independence of the Kurdistan Region is considered as the main purpose of this paper. This research is an applied research and to do this, an explanatory-analytical method and a deep dialogue with experts have been used. Such a way that at first, information was gathered through resources, documents, questionnaires and in-depth interviews and then analyzed in an interpretive way. In summing up, it was found that internal factors such as the geopolitical constraint and geographical location, the constitution of Iraq, the opposition of the Shiites and Sunnis, the lack of economic and military infrastructure and external factors such as US opposition and the opposition of neighboring Kurdish minority countries (Iran, Turkey And Syria) are among the factors preventing the full independence of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


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