Identifying the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies for the training and excellence of commanders and managers with an emphasis on jihadi management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of the Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor at National Defense University

3 Ph.D. from the Higher National Defense University


The current research was written with the aim of identifying the implementation strategies and the appropriate requirements for the implementation of the training and excellence strategies of the commanders and managers of AJA with an emphasis on Jihadi management. The statistical population of this research includes the elites and experts of Aja in the four forces of Aja and scholars, clerics and university professors of the armed forces outside Aja in the number of 40 people. The current research is in the category of applied-developmental research and a combination of quantitative and qualitative data (with a mixed approach) including interviews and open and closed questionnaires has been used. In this research, in order to achieve the main goal of the research, first by conducting in-depth interviews with research experts, the appropriate solutions and requirements for the implementation of strategies were identified, then by setting up and distributing a questionnaire among experts and conducting One Sample Test, the identified cases were identified. were approved and finalized. The results obtained from the analysis of the obtained data indicate the identification and approval of 21 implementation solutions and 29 requirements for the implementation of the strategy.


فهرست منابع:
- قرآن کریم
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