Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate Doctor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Professor, Political Geography, Tarbiat Modarres University

3 Assistant Professor, National Security, Higher National Defense University


< p >The Zone of Eastern North of the Country which has common borderline with Afghanistan and Turkmenistan countries is considered as a critical district from the aspects of geopolitical and defensive - security affairs, accordingly the supreme leader Imam Khamenei has emphasized preserving security and reinforcing military preparation of the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. Thus, despite the circumstance of the Zone of Eastern North of the Country, this region has not been attended sufficiently from the perspective of geopolitical and strategic studies and this deficiency could loses many opportunities and attracts many threats against the national profits in this area. Accordingly, the current study tries to investigate the Zone of Eastern North of the Country from the focal of economic as one of the most important geopolitics factors. The research aim is to identify the geopolitical economic factors affecting defensive strategies of Islamic Republic of Iran in this strategic zone of the country. This research is an applicable – developmental research which is accomplished by descriptive – analytical research method with a quantitative approach. To reach the research objective, through a questionnaire and applying whole-counting sampling method, the opinions of 60 military and governmental elites and geopolitical experts, especially geopolitics and defensive strategy in the level of army forces and the zone of eastern north of the country were utilized. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential analytical methods to provide the appropriate answers for the research questions. Ultimately, 27 geopolitical economic factors affecting defensive strategies of Islamic Republic of Iran in the eastern north zone of the country were identified and then were categorized into the quadruplet factors of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (10 strength, 8 weakness, 3 opportunity and 6 threat factors). As the most important elicited factors, the railway of the Eastern North toward the south offshore, as a strength factor; being low value of the currency of the country in comparison with the neighbors and social – cultural abuse of that by foreigners in holly Mashhad city, as a weakness factor; existing common sources of petroleum and gas between Iran and Turkmenistan in Caspian sea, as an opportunity; and dependence of Afghanistan to the international financial aids for the country development, as a threat, can be mentioned.


فهرست منابع
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