Analysis of the war game operation Fatah El Mobin

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of National Defense University


From the distant past, the possible outcomes of the battle have been the focus of the military and politicians. The war game is a combination of experiences of past wars and science. The war game is like a chess game where there is a screen with several imagined ways to determine the direction of movement in front of the users. The war between Iraq and Iran is one of the most important international events that has continued for eight years, and the military experiences of our armed forces from the operations carried out in the holy defense, such as the Fatah-ul-Mobin operation, are so important and valuable that It can be an inspiring and native source for teaching in military scientific and research centers in formats such as war games. The purpose of this research is to analyze and express the main elements of the war game Operation Fatah Al Mobin.
In this research, the type of "applied-developmental" research and the "descriptive-analytical" research method and two questions about the war game and the main elements of the war game of Fatah Al Mobin operation have been raised.
The mentioned operation war game has been analyzed and according to the conceptual model of the research taken from the opinion of the professors of this field, the elements of the war game have been counted in three physical, cognitive, and informational domains, as well as 12 elements of the subset of domains


  • فهرست منابع:

    • قرآن کریم
    • کتب و بیانات حضرت امام خامنه ای(مدظله‏العالی)



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