Military Doctrine Formulation and Development Pattern of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Imam Hussein University (PBUH)

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

3 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The military doctrine formulation and development pattern that provides coherence and coordination in the formulation and development of a military doctrine has been the constant concern of senior commanders and decision-makers at the top levels of the armed forces. Therefore, the aim of this research is to design a pattern for formulation and development of the military doctrine of Armed Forces of The Islamic Republic of Iran (A.F.I.R.I.) and this research seeks to answer the question that “which is the pattern of formulation and development of the military doctrine of Armed Forces of The Islamic Republic of Iran (A.F.I.R.I.)?”. This research is applied-developmental research and its approach is mixed. The case study method has been used for determining of dimensions, factors and sub-factors. In this research, first, the existing patterns of military doctrine formulation and development in the country were studied. Subsequently, a native pattern was designed and presented with a comparative study of internal patterns and external patterns of the selected countries. Interviews were conducted with eight experts in order to enrich the theoretical basics and use of internal experiences. Then, a questionnaire was used to evaluate and validate the prepared conceptual pattern. To answer the questionnaire, 30 experts were referred. The result of this research is the military doctrine formulation and development pattern of Armed Forces of The Islamic Republic of Iran (A.F.I.R.I.) including 5 dimensions, 14 factors and 47 sub-factors that can be used to prepare the the military doctrine of Armed Forces of The Islamic Republic of Iran (A.F.I.R.I). These five dimensions include: data collection, design, production, implementation, and feedback.


  • فهرست منابع

    • "قرآن کریم"
    • امام خمینی (رحمت ا... علیه)، صحیفه نور
    • امام خامنه­ای (مدظله­العالی)، "مجموعه بیانات"
    • "قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران"

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