Strategies for Defense Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The Islamic Republic of Iran, with its extensive water and earth borders, unique geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic positions, has been located in one of the most sensitive geopolitical situations in the world and in the region, so that the geopolitical regions of the region have extensive and numerous functions around it, The focus of gravity is on regional and global diplomacy and has always been and is threatened with numerous threats.  On the other hand, the presence of regional and subregional actors in neighboring countries has always created numerous potential threats to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, the present research has been conducted to study and explain the strategies of defense-security cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan. In this research, we used descriptive, inferential and SWOT analysis techniques (internal factors assessment and external factors assessment), and the preparation of strategic positioning matrices for analyzing the data and taking into account strategies appropriate to the purpose of the research. . The analysis of the data indicates the current status of the IRI's cooperation with the Turkmenistan with the invasive approach and the current situation with the favorable conditions. Considering the current and desired conditions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in line with the research objectives, 25 strategies were first identified based on the factors mentioned above. Finally, during the holding of the expert meeting and the synthesis and implementation of the sectoral strategies, with the opinion of specialists and experts, in the end, eight main strategies The defense-security cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan was assessed, explained and finally put forward the necessary executive suggestions in order to fill the gap and reach the desired position.


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