Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Political Geography, Higher National Defense University

2 PhD student, Defense Strategic Sciences, Higher National Defense University


According to islam, preparation for confronation with the enmy is an obligatory and necessary issue thet Goad emphasizes in the Guran in sureh Anfal, verse 60: Prepare against them whatever you can of{military} powerd and war-horses, awing therbay the enemy o allah and your enmy.
In recent decades, more than ten wars have taken place in the surrounding areas of Iran, the last three of wich have occurred in the neighborhood and near the borders of the Islamic Republi of Iran. The presence of the United States as a hegmonicpower in the Persian Gulf region, in addition to the real interests of this country, should be mentioned as a result of region issue and challenges that in the past ages created the ground for the influence and presenceof world powers in the region and deterrence for I.R.I has becom inevitable so that this presence may in the future lead to military conflict or a full-scale war against I.R.I.
The purpose of the study is to explain the lessons learnedfrome the political and diplomaticgoals used in the recent triple wars in Southwest Asia. This research is considered as a case-field research and has been conducted with a mixed approach, descriptive- analytical method.
  According to the findings of this study, The must important influential components in southwest Asia are:( strategies, policies, defates, victories, economy, military component, social component and media component).


  • فهرست منابع:

    • قرآن کریم
    • فرمایشات حضرت امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)

    الف- منابع فارسی

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    • زهدی، یعقوب، 1394، سیاست دفاعی، تهران، مرکز تحقیقات راهبردی دفاعی

    ب – مقالات

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