Social Inequalities and the scrutinization of Social Phenomena

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Strategic Management of Passive Defense, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences


The question of what is the security and the elements involved in the scrutinization of phenomena is a subject that has occupied the minds of many security experts. Providing security is one of the most basic human needs and deeply linked to the prosperity and growth of political systems and governments. Among the factors affecting security are social inequalities in society that severely affect social issues under security changes.
Social issues can also be rapidly transformed into security or political crises, threatening the integrity of a social system, and creating many social costs to society, such as feeling insecure in the event of a security crisis. Among citizens, disruptions in their daily lives, undermining social cohesion and polarization of society, increasing hostility and violent behaviors, decreasing trust among social actors, etc. are among the most important social costs of social security, so the main concern of this study is to investigate the impact of inequality. Social Security is a social phenomenon in order to avoid incurring unnecessary costs to society through the prevention and reduction of social inequalities in society. The type of research was developmental-applied and descriptive-analytical and the research data were documentary and field-based and the analytical method was quantitative-qualitative.
To achieve the framework, common sources of religious resources, upstream documents, security schools, psychological and sociological theories, and interviews with scholars were used. Therefore, the theoretical framework of the research was used as a combination of common points of view.
   Research findings show that social inequalities have a direct impact on prevention of scrutinization of social phenomena from becoming secure.


فهرست منابع:
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