The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate of Military Strategic Management from Higher National Defense University

2 PhD student of military strategic management at Higher National Defense University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. For this purpose, descriptive-analytic research method was used. In the qualitative part of the information, interviews with experts and experts were selected using the method of theoretical sampling and snowball technique to theoretical saturation. For collecting quantitative information, a statistical society was comprised of experts, thinkers and experts. . Regarding the existence of different classes in the statistical society and the differences between the groups from the structural and functional point of view, a random-class random sampling method was used to determine the sample size of the data. The number of samples required was 78 questionnaires. For reliability of Cronbach's questionnaire, its value was 0.87. The findings of this study indicate that the economic growth damages including unfavorable business conditions, technical and technological retardation of production, lack of mobility and production competitiveness, lack of econometric knowledge structure, inefficiency of production factors, unfavorable market conditions and private sector And the government and the public sector, and the disadvantages of monetary and financial markets. Finally, dimensions, components and indicators of growth of the resistance economy were extracted.


فهرست منابع
الف- منابع فارسی
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