The role of belief and ideological foundations in The military thought of the United States

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Command University and Aja Headquarters

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at Command University and Aja Headquarters

4 دکتری علوم سیاسی مدرس دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی


  The influence of the dominant worldview and ideology of any society on the attitudes of politicians and the policies adopted by them is not hidden from anyone, and this rule also applies to America and its politicians. Considering the special position it holds for itself in the world, this country has a special and different policy from other countries.
In the last few decades, the policy of domination and hegemony has become the first priority of this country's foreign policy in all economic, cultural, military, etc. fields. One of the important components in the formation of the political thought and, accordingly, the military thought of any society, are the beliefs and convictions that govern it, so the role of religious and ideological foundations in the American military thought is an issue that this article deals with. Based on this, the main question of this research is: "What is the role of religious and ideological foundations in American military thought?" In order to answer this question, a mixed method research was conducted and uses the analytical-descriptive approach, based on the viewpoints of western thinkers and western scholars, the research is taken from the written works of the research. The findings of the research show that the absolute majority of the sample population gave a high and very high response to the research hypothesis. Also, according to the inferential analysis and the chi-square test, and considering the critical value and the obtained test statistic, the hypothesis of the research has been confirmed.


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