Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management of the National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences and Associate Professor of Dafos Aja

3 MSc in Information Technology Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology


The increasing advances in smart processors and computing power in today's wars and future wars have made it possible to estimate and analyze the position of the parties and the scene of today's and future wars with the advent of new and emerging technologies from a simple linear environment to a complex and nonlinear complex environment. Therefore, military systems need to have modern decision-making and decision-making systems for research and development in order to arrive at anaccurate understanding of the situation..
The main purpose of this research is to explain the areas of performance of the Department of Defense Math in the decision-making structure of the military commanders. Therefore, the statistical community consists of 45 experts and experts of the Grad members and information, operations, research and development departments. The data of the research are collected using library tools, The method of the case study is grounded. The data analysis in this research is based on the Dimithel method, which calculates and expresses the influence of each of the factors on the counts. The method of testing averages is also used to explain the areas of performance of the Department of Maths.


فهرست منابع:
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