The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of National Security Studies at the National Defense University

2 Member of the faculty and lecturer at the National Defense University

3 Graduated Ph.D., Strategic Military Management, National Defense University


Considering that the leadership of the delegate of supreme leadership in the Revolutionary Guards corps of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the political-ideological establishment of the armed forces are subordinates to the supreme leadership from the rank and the political point of view and that the archaism of these cultural organizations go back to the early 1979 till today, in these four decades Imam Khomeini and the supreme leader have introduced ideologies, proclamations, direct and indirect guidance in order to lead these organizations, however it seems that the doctrine of these cultural establishments have not been presented in the research form of  Imam and the supreme leader’s speeches. In this research, in addition to the usage of valid resources in the mentioned areas and in addition to counting them, it has been coded by using the MAXQDA software and finally by using a survey from a social group of 30 people, the obtained results from analyzing the content by `using the software has been under evaluation and by doing a quantity and quality statistical analysis, its results has been counted.
The findings of the research which is based on the library and field method shows that the preparation and the power of the armed forces, Islamic teachings and jihad for expanding the sovereignty of god is the most important part of the mentioned organizations and it is necessary that all of the planning and organizing should be based on the pivot of this doctrine.


فهرست منابع
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