The most important geopolitical factors of Turkmenistan influencing the formulation of defense strategies Islamic Repulic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Political Geography Tarbiat Modares University

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Higher National Defense University

3 Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University (Corresponding Author)


geopolitical capacities dose a more effective role in developments in the region development. The main objective of this study is to identify the most important Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting on the Islamic Republic of Irans defensive­ strategy condification that uses descriptive, analytic applications, the questionnaires set in two stages and the sample of 92 people offering and using SPSS software to process data is sent. Statistical analysis of the Cronbach alpha coefficient carcass, KS and Friedman test was used to study the theoretical and Mhyt‌Shnasy to recognized Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors and continue with field studies and obtaining the opinion of the elite in the development and action and do something to change the geopolitical factors mentioned in 58 operating areas of sextet(physical, human, economic, domestic and international political and military) and recognized based on the conceptual model of supply and to obtain community Statistical and was designed in the form of a questionnaire. On the question of research, the most important factors affecting the development of Turkmenistan's geopolitical defensive strategy Islamic Republic of Iran are there? Resulting in a factor 58 in six areas based on the degree of importance and the ratings were confirmed.


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