Strategic model of technological innovation system in Hybrid war

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Military Management, National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, National Defense University

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense, National Defense University

4 Assistant Professor of Telecommunications, Malek Ashtar University


Sience and technology should be put in the practice in the context of invention and operational approach. In this way major scientific and technological policies must be taken into consideration. In the field of defensive technological invention, If the needs systematically, can be repeatedly respond in the frame of a model, high efficiency will have gained in the battle front. In hybrid war, many samples of abilities and inventional innovation efficiency earned, wich inspiring this research.
 The purpose of this research is to design a strategic model for the   technological innovation system in hybrid war. The present study population consisted of researchers, faculty members, experts and experts in military technology in the field of ground combat. 100 of them were identified and 80 were selected by simple random sampling method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. The results showed that defensive notification policies, innovation capacity, operational dimension of innovation knowledge of tactics and defense theories are the main prerequisites for the model and creativity, innovation, sensemaking, design, technology and knowledge brekthrough are the most important dimensions and main variables of the strategy model of the technological innovation system in the field of hybrid war.


فهرست منابع:
- " بیانات مقام معظم رهبری(مدظله‌العالی) "
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ج -سایت‌ها:
-    https://fa.wikipedia