Presenting a Strategic Model for defence knowledge anagement of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Management of Passive Defense University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research

2 Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 Assistant Professor Malik Ashtar University of Technology


The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces stressed, in the statement of the second phase of the Revolution, the need to erupt the fountain of science and cross the current frontiers of knowledge.
Achievement of this important goal in the field of defense requires a model that explains the components affecting defense knowledge management and their relationship, with a systemic approach. Therefore, the questions of the current research were formulated in a form to make the aims of the research possible. The conceptual model made within the theoretical framework was designed based on library studies and the ideas of the scholars. The questionnaire was produced relying on the components of the model and it was distributed through a snowball process. The final model of the research was evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling. The values of the Factor Loading of the selected variables (6 microsystems, 21 mega-dimensions and 57 principal components) indicate the desirability of the components and the resulting path coefficients confirm the relationship between them. Finally, some suggestions have been made for IRI Armed Services based on the results of the research.


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