Social and cultural relations with the armed forces and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management of the National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

3 PhD student of military strategic management at Higher National Defense University


Culture, interlocking set of ways of thinking, feeling and action that is shared between members of a particular community. One of the most important and the most important tool for maintaining the system and, thus, culture is dynamic national authority. Why the different elements of society and the political system, through culture and solidarity are linked to each other. Armed Forces General Staff Chief, Army, Army, Police, Ministry of Defense and the organizations referred.
The aim of this study was to investigate social and cultural relations and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces and the armed forces. To investigate statistical this relationship, the question arises: What are the armed forces of the relationship between socio-cultural society? The study of Nzrnv applied and the method (cross) is. The researchers, from the study library (documents and questionnaires) to collect data and action through descriptive and inferential analysis of their data. Based on this interaction can affect the efficiency of the armed forces and the high general level of culture, knowledge and attitude of staff of the armed forces is to culture enhances their effectiveness


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