Resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure with a passive defense approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of non-operatinAssociate Professor of the Higher National Defense Universityg strategic defense management of National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Malik Ashtar University of Technology

3 PhD student of non-operating strategic defense management of National Defense University


As one of the most important factors of life, water is one of the commonly uses of humans and has affected their life. Drinking water supply infrastructures are considered one of important infrastructures and both in normal and emergency conditions is a vital part of lifelines. This extra and unprecedented sensitivity is result of increasing demand and scarcity of water resources with appropriate quantity and quality. Now, with the emergence of natural disasters including drought and climate change in our country, the enemy can incite people against the government and sovereignty by abusing these threats and carrying out hostile actions such as psychological operations and creating disruption or eliminating the functioning of drinking water infrastructures to achieve their goals faster and with better results. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to drinking water infrastructure to increase resilience against threats with the approach of homeland security.
This study aims to identify components and indicators of resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure and seeks to find an answer to the question "resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure with the approach of passive defense ". It is an applied and developmental study with mixed approach, which was carried out using the survey method and expert experiences. In order to achieve the goals of this research, first the most important components and indicators affecting the resilience of the country's drinking water infrastructure is identified by reviewing the research literature, upstream documents, conducting interviews and hold meetings with experts, and then by collecting data and with using structural equations method, the proposed framework was designed through a questionnaire and was presented to the available statistical population of 73 people in a purposeful manner and finally the final research model was presented.
Data analysis using structural equations method and based on research findings show that the robustness components (with a path coefficient of 0.684) has the highest effect on the resilience of drinking water infrastructure in the country and after that, the recovery components (with a path coefficient of 0.473), preparedness components (with a path coefficient of 0.416) and stability components (with a path coefficient of 0.306) respectively have the greatest impact.


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