The requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences at the Command and Headquarters University of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences at the Higher University of National Defense and Strategic Research

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Malik Ashtar University of Technology

4 Doctoral student of military strategic management at the National Defense and Strategic Research University


Strategic thinking is the today's need of organizations, especially military organizations. In order to create innovative and effective strategies, the commanders and managers of the highest levels of the Armed Forces of Islamic Republic of Iran should be familiar with the skill of strategic thinking and apply it in strategic defense management. In order for strategic thinking to emerge, it is necessary to provide the necessary contexts and platforms in the organizational environment. In this regard, the aim of this research is to identify the requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of commanders and managers of the highest levels of the armed forces. This is an applied-developmental research and has been done with a case-based method. The method of information collection was library and field, and the data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. A number of 9 experts in this field at the level of the armed forces were selected as a statistical sample in a targeted manner after reaching theoretical saturation. Analysis of information with the method of coding and using the MAXQDA-2020 software was carried out for the validity of the research, acceptability, transferability and verifiability, as well as for the reliability of the research, the credibility of the research, by the research team and finally in a verified expert working group. The findings indicate that the requirements for realizing the strategic thinking of the commanders and managers of the highest levels of armed forces are placed, in 5 components and 58 indicators including structural components (8 indicators), human resources (9 indicators), organizational culture (17 indicators), leadership and management (8 indicators) and general (16 indicators). The aforementioned requirements can be the basis for the realization and development of the strategic thinking of commanders and managers for the aforementioned preparation and will cause the institutionalization of strategic thinking in the main and decision-making body of the armed forces.


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