Invastigating the cansequences and threats of social networks (telegram, line, viber, etc) in the collapse of families.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Sociology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

2 Master of Science (MSc) in Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch


In the developing world, various important events affect human life. One of the most influencial factors is social networking,which broadly transforms human behavior both in the family and social environment positively and negatively. The purpose of this study was to investigate the harmful effects of social network in families. The research was applied.Moreover,the method used was descriptive- explanatory. The statistical population of the study consisted of 380 married citizens living in Tehran from 25-40 years of age. Field research was used in which a researcher-made quesstionnaire was applied to collect information. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by Cronbach's alpha 0.769. To analyze data, SPSS software was used.To describe data, mean, median, mode, frequency and frequency percentage were analyzed. In addition, to test the hypotheses,Pearson Correlation was used. The results show that  the way people use social networks and the amount of exposure have considerable impact on the stability or disintegation of the family. In the aggregate, social networks, on the one hand,causes creativity, awareness, communication and freedom and on the other hand, causes the breakup and disintegration of the families. However, the crucial factor affecting the lives of people is the amount of time people consume over social networks.


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