Role of the military geopolitical factors in defense and security strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran against threats of United States of America and Takfiris originated from Iraq


1 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National Defense University

2 PhD in Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University

3 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Geopolitical factors have impact on Islamic Republic of Iran’s defense strategy including all factors in the framework of geography, politics and power. Based on literature, geopolitical factors are consisted of six categories namely natural, human and cultural, economic, political, military and scientific and technological. This paper only focuses on the military factor. The research was carried out as a type of applied developmental one based on field case study methodology. Data collection was through fieldwork and deskwork with a sample size of 73 which were analyzed using expert analysis methods. The aim of this research is achieving the role of military geopolitical factors in defense and security strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran originated from Iraq. Iraq is not a threat for Iran presently. The main enemies are USA and Takfiri terrorist groups who threaten Iran using the space and geography of Iraq. The conclusions imply that 21 military geopolitical factors have impact on Iran’s defense strategy in the framework of strengthening, weakening, opportunistic and threatening context. Data analysis shows that 4 factors have role but are not effective, 3 factors have both features simultaneously. After calculation of strategic positioning it was concluded that Islamic Republic of Iran is in the mild aggressive position. Using the opportunities and strengths the weaknesses and threats can be overcame.


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