determine the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training in the armed forces s

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University

3 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University


To determine the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training in the Armed Forces, skill-based training was first inferred using the six documents provided in the first step of the conceptual model and then, the desired dimensions, components and indicators affecting this type of training were determined. Finally, by determining the references, tools and methods for evaluating skills-based training, the most important dimensions, components and indicators affecting the evaluation of skills-based training were obtained and determined. This research is a case study with an integrated approach, for which library and field methods were used to collect data. By inferring the skills-based trainings, 10 dimensions, 49 components and 220 indicators affecting the evaluation of these trainings were obtained, finalized and standardized based on experts opinions. Then, based on the collected data, a comprehensive questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 68 people in the statistical population in the form of a total number. After examining the answers by SPSS software, the level of significance of the answers (P-value) and Cronbach's alpha of each of the indicators and components were as follows: All the 10 dimensions, 49 components and 220 indicators related to the evaluation of skills-based training In the Armed Forces, are quite correlated and approved. In addition, using descriptive statistical methods, the responses to each of the components and indicators were described and analyzed, and the level of effectiveness of each of the indicators and components was determined based on the average score for the 10 dimensions.


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