Macro-factors that influence the strategic model design of quality management in the aviation industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Higher National Defense University

2 Professor and Academic Member of Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Malek Ashtar University of Technology


Factors governing the structure and organization of effective quality management is the aim of this paper reckon macro-structural, contextual and behavioral factors, effective strategic model design quality management in the aviation industry. Research with qualitative approach and content analysis was used information grounded theory and it is development. To extract the factors influencing the strategic model in the aviation industry quality management principles and values upstream of documents, models of quality management, quality awards, comparative studies and interviews with experts in the industry have been used. All components of aggregate extraction in the theoretical literature research and interviews, and some of them with respect to the environment with the agreement of the aviation industry combined. The factors have been derived as follows: The structural components include: organization structural, quality system based on risk assessment and monitoring system, the knowledge and training, quality assurance and improvement, contextual components, including: organizational culture, stakeholders, environment, economy, technology knowledge, information, processes, regulations and standards, communications (internal and external), strategic planning and behavioral factors include: commitment, motivation, leadership and management, teaching and learning.
