The Components (aims, doctrine and policies) of the Affairs of the Veterans and Martyrs based on the discourse of the Imam and the Leadership

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Strategic PhD Student in Strategic Sciences, National Defense UniversitySciences Higher National Defense University

2 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND STRATEGIC SCIENCE Associate Professor of National Defense University


The culture sacrifice and martyrdom contains tremendous effects and blessings that directly and indirectly affects our society. In the same vein, the absence of the pillars in the administration of The Affairs of Veterans and Martyrs based on Imam and leadership discourse, any action to improve this system would be practically ineffective and efficient. Therefor, the present research has been carried out to achieve the leading role of the affairs of sacrificial and martyrs in three dimensions of the management of goals, doctrine and policies in this area.
The objectives of the research were to identify the objectives of the department of Veterans and Martyrs on the basis of the discourse of the Imam of the Revolution, the recognition of the doctrine of the Affairs of the Veterans and martyrs based on the discourse of the imam and leadership and the recognition of the major policies of the Affaires of the Veterans and Martyrs based on the discourse of the Imam and the leadership.
The research method with mixed approach using descriptive-analytical method has extracted these dimensions using the content analysis tool from Imam’s and leadership’s statements. The research community for quantitative data and confirmation of inferential cases from the content analysis of 30 people is expert and prominent.
The results of this research indicate that: Effective doctrine on the management of the Affairs of Martyrs and Veterans in five components, the goals of effective management of martyrs and veterans have been extracted in seven components and effective policies on the administration of martyrs and veterans affairs in 10 components.
The relationship between the doctrine and the goals extracted for the Administration of the Martyrs and the Veterans 0.92 between doctrine and policies is 0.8. In fact, these numbers represent a direct and positive relationship between doctrine, goals, and extractive policies for the Administration of the martyrs and Veterans in this research.


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