Presenting a strategic model for military hospital agility in defense crises

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.

2 Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran


Nowadays the war has reached a stage where it is referred to as an unequal war and the strategy of playing with war has been placed on the agenda of the military forces of the countries. On the other hand, the supreme leader of the revolution, at the Imam Hossein Guards Training and Officer Training University on May 23,2016, referring to the importance of unequal war, considered one of the dimensions of victory in it to bring the country's existing talents to the stage, and this issue is in the relief sector. We need to find a solution for the agility of military hospitals. Therefore, this research was done with the aim of presenting a strategic model of military hospitals' agility in defense crises.Based on the research strategy, we first explained the components and collected the research information by creating sources, and then the research methodology was evaluated and explained based on the discussed paradigm that the dimensions and characteristics of documents in the role of demographic variables from open coding, classified and interpreted, and then the process of qualitative data analysis in the form of the Strauss and Corbin (1994) school, based on the central and selective coding of the analysis and the results of the qualitative research in. Finally, AMOS statistical software was used to model the structural equations and the findings of the research showed that mobile factors with a path coefficient of 0.45, time management with a path coefficient of 0.54, and creating capabilities with a path coefficient of 0.64 were able to be The dimensions of military hospitals in the occurrence of defense crises, explain the role of agility.


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